

Life Changing Events Can Impact Your Taxes

Throughout your life, there will be certain significant occasions that will impact not only your day-to-day living but also your taxes. Here are a few of those events: Getting Married – If you just got married or are considering getting married, you need to be aware that once you are married you no longer file returns using the single status and generally will file a combined return with your new spouse using the married filing [Read More]

September 2nd, 2022|

Inflation and an Economic Slowdown: A Double Whammy for your Finances

Newspapers and media reports have been filled with talk of inflation and recession. Experts are arguing about the definition of the latter. Pundits are pondering whether the slowdown reflected in the latest consumer price index report means that inflation has peaked. You, in the meantime, are still staring in disbelief at the numbers that are rolling by as you fill your tank with gas or the total tally when you buy a few bags of groceries. Are [Read More]

August 26th, 2022|

Not All Interest Is Deductible For Taxes

A frequent question that arises when borrowing money is whether or not the interest will be tax deductible. That can be a complicated question, and unfortunately, not all interest an individual pays is deductible. The rules for deducting interest vary, depending on whether the loan proceeds are used for personal, investment, or business activities. Interest expense can fall into any of the following categories: Personal interest – is not deductible. Typically this includes interest from personal [Read More]

August 19th, 2022|

President Biden Signs Inflation Reduction Act into Law

On August 16, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) into law. The enormous bill—clocking in at 725 pages—contains a wide range of provisions and comes with a nearly $750 billion price tag. “The bill is fighting inflation and has a whole lot of collateral benefits as well,” said former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, who reportedly helped craft the legislation. Read on for an overview of the key items contained in the new act. [Read More]

August 18th, 2022|

Don’t Overlook Your Charitable Contributions

Your charitable contributions include a wide variety of tax-saving opportunities, some you may not be aware of, and some that are frequently overlooked. And there are some contributions that you may believe are deductible that really are not. Being knowledgeable of what is and is not a qualified charity, a qualified charitable contribution, and charitable giving strategies can go a long way toward maximizing your charitable tax deduction. To be deductible the contributions must be [Read More]

August 12th, 2022|

Will Your Planned Retirement Income Be Enough after Taxes?

That is an important question because the actual money you have to spend when you retire depends upon the after-tax sources of your retirement income. Thus it is important to understand how the various retirement vehicles are taxed. There is significant diversity in taxation since a retiree must consider both Federal and state taxes on retirement income. Of all the states one might consider retiring to, there are eight that have no state income tax. [Read More]

August 5th, 2022|

Divorce and Taxes – What Are the Implications?

This article explains the precautions to take when getting a divorce, and several tax concerns that need to be addressed to ensure that taxes are kept to a minimum and important tax-related decisions are properly made. Five issues to consider in the process of divorce include alimony or support payments, child support, personal residence, pension benefits, and business interests. Each spouse could save thousands on their home, up to $500,000 of avoidable tax, if they [Read More]

July 27th, 2022|

Does Your Small Business Have the Right Tech Tools for the Future?

This article explains that the current state of the economy and the Covid-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way consumers behave. It’s extremely important for small businesses to capitalize on digital transformations. A survey showed that “75% of SMBs took actions ranging from price changes, new business models, new customer outreach, and new product offerings and services.” The rise of e-commerce is significant, especially for those ages 65 and up, because, by January of [Read More]

July 14th, 2022|

Requesting Penalty Abatements from the IRS

At some point or other, most taxpayers will receive a notice from the IRS stating that they paid their taxes late, missed a filing deadline, or performed some other infraction. These mistakes usually result in penalties and additional interest. The IRS uses penalties to deter noncompliance, according to the IRS Internal Revenue Manual Section Taxpayers often pay these penalties without realizing that it is sometimes possible to have them removed. The most common type [Read More]

July 8th, 2022|

Changes to Bonus Depreciation Rules

This article explains that bonus depreciation rules have been changed over several years. In 2016 and 2017, under the IRS Revenue Proclamation (Rev. Proc.) 2019-33, Section 5.02 Section – Deemed Election states: “a taxpayer that timely filed its federal tax return for the 2016 taxable year or the 2017 taxable year also will be treated as making the §168(k)(7) election for a class of property that is qualified property acquired after September 27, 2017 by [Read More]

July 7th, 2022|
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